Retinal Detachment

Treatment Options for Retinal Detachment

While infrequent, retinal tears and detachments are serious medical conditions that require prompt attention and treatment. Knowing the signs and treatment options could help you pursue the right medical treatment sooner. Detecting Retinal Tear and Detachment The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of our eyes. It converts [...]

Treatment Options for Retinal Detachment2021-10-06T13:53:57-05:00

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Retinal Tear or Detachment

The retina is a layer of ocular tissues that sits at the back of the eye. The retina plays a major role in a person’s vision. These tissues are responsible for processing light that enters the eye, and then transmitting signals to the brain so that an image can [...]

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Retinal Tear or Detachment2021-10-06T13:54:00-05:00