eye injury

Treatment Options for Retinal Detachment

While infrequent, retinal tears and detachments are serious medical conditions that require prompt attention and treatment. Knowing the signs and treatment options could help you pursue the right medical treatment sooner. Detecting Retinal Tear and Detachment The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of our eyes. It converts [...]

Treatment Options for Retinal Detachment2021-10-06T13:53:57-05:00

Eye Floaters: What Are They & Should You Be Concerned?

Floaters. Most of us have had them, the little specs -- sometimes more web-like than anything-- floating across your line of sight. They seem to appear out of nowhere, and when you try to look at them, they dart in another direction. What are they? Do you need to be [...]

Eye Floaters: What Are They & Should You Be Concerned?2021-10-06T13:53:57-05:00