The eyes are no different from the rest of the body in that they need to be properly cared for and monitored to ensure that they remain healthy and functional. There are several eye conditions that can impact the function of the eyes and cause uncomfortable side effects. Routine eye exams help to diagnose some of these conditions so that appropriate treatment can be provided. However, if unusual symptoms develop between these routine exams, it is important to report them right away so that treatment can be provided before the condition worsens. Blepharitis is a common eye condition that can impact the health and comfort of the eye. At Broberg Eye Care, our experienced eye doctors offer blepharitis treatment to our Austin, TX patients so that we can control the symptoms of blepharitis and restore comfort to the eyes.

Symptoms of Blepharitis

Blepharitis refers to an inflammation of the eyelids that can result in a number of uncomfortable side effects for those suffering from the condition. Blepharitis is broken down into two categories: anterior blepharitis and posterior blepharitis. Anterior blepharitis describes symptoms affecting the outside of the eyelids (where the eyelashes are attached), while posterior blepharitis describes symptoms affecting the inner eyelids (where the oil-secreting glands are present). It is not unusual for patients to experience both anterior and posterior blepharitis at the same time. Some of the most common symptoms of blepharitis include the following:

  • Swelling/inflammation
  • Tearing
  • Discomfort, burning, or the feeling that there is something stuck in the eye
  • Redness of the eyelid
  • Crusty, flaky skin around the eyelids

Treating Blepharitis

In many cases, blepharitis is a chronic condition that may cause symptoms to come and go. Although there is no cure to eliminate blepharitis for good, there are treatments that are successful in controlling blepharitis and eliminating the symptoms of this condition. Below are some of the most common treatments for blepharitis:

  • Eyelid hygiene: Because blepharitis is most often a chronic condition, good eyelid hygiene is important in helping to control symptoms and outbreaks. Some of the steps that are useful in controlling blepharitis symptoms include applying warm compresses to the eyes, using a commercial cleanser or lid scrub, and frequently massaging the outer eyes.
  • Supplements: One common cause of blepharitis is a blockage of the eyelid’s oil glands. By adding a nutritional supplement of omega-3 fatty acids, many patients are able to improve the functions of these glands, which can improve symptoms of blepharitis.
  • Medication: Other causes of blepharitis include dry eyes and bacterial infections. If either of these is suspected to be causing or aggravating blepharitis, our eye doctors will likely prescribe medication. In the case of dry eyes, eye drops can be effective in keeping the eyes lubricated. When a bacterial infection is present, patients may be prescribed topical or oral antibiotic medication to help treat the condition.

Schedule an Appointment

Although there is no cure for blepharitis, the experienced eye doctors at Broberg Eye Care can help patients control this condition in order to restore eye comfort. To learn more about blepharitis treatment and how our doctors can help you maintain good eye health, schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.