Many people who long to say “goodbye” to their eyeglasses have done just that with LASIK surgery. Vision problems, like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism may be corrected with LASIK surgery, which can improve eyesight while eliminating the need for eyeglasses. LASIK surgery is an effective procedure, but it can make vision blurry immediately following treatment, making it unsafe to drive right away. Learn more about when driving after LASIK surgery is safe in this overview from Austin, TX surgeon Peter Broberg.

Can I Drive Home after LASIK Surgery?

LASIK eye surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning patients will be able to go home following treatment. Some patients may notice their vision is immediately improved after surgery, while others may find things look somewhat blurry. In any case, patients cannot drive themselves home after LASIK surgery and will need a family member or friend to drive them.

In addition to having blurry vision, patients may feel drowsy from the sedative given to keep them comfortable during surgery and, as a result, will not be able to safely drive home. The eyes may also be sensitive to light and may water excessively immediately after surgery, further making it too dangerous for patients to safely drive at this time.

How Soon after LASIK Surgery Can I Drive?

The length of time each patient must wait to drive after LASIK surgery will vary based on the individual. However, most people are given their doctor’s approval to drive as soon as the day after surgery. A post-op exam will be performed the day after surgery.

During this exam, the patient’s vision is examined. In most cases, patients will no longer need to wear eyeglasses and may be given paperwork by their doctor to take to the Department of Motor Vehicles to have any corrective lens restrictions removed from their driver’s license. Once vision is evaluated and deemed sufficient for safe driving, patients will be able to drive again.

Candidates for LASIK Surgery

Many people who wish to see clearer without eyeglasses often make suitable candidates for LASIK surgery. Ideal candidates should be in good general health, including good eye health. Candidates should also be over 18 and have had stable vision for a full year or more before surgery.

Those who suffer from serious eye conditions, like chronic dry eye, glaucoma, or keratoconus, are generally not suitable candidates. Women who are pregnant or nursing are also not ideal candidates, but may be once they are no longer pregnant or nursing.

The Benefits of LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery offers many benefits. LASIK surgery can improve the vision of those living with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Many people who undergo LASIK surgery are able to see clearly without the need for eyeglasses or uncomfortable contact lenses, helping to improve confidence and comfort.

Is LASIK Surgery Right for You?

If you dream of seeing clearly without eyeglasses or contacts, LASIK surgery may be right for you. To find out if you’re a candidate for LASIK surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Broberg.