Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerves as pressure builds up within the eyes. Glaucoma threatens a patient’s vision and, without treatment, can lead to complete vision loss. In fact, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the Unites States, and is especially common among older adults. Although there is no cure for glaucoma, the condition can be treated before permanent eye damage, or vision loss, occurs. The key is to treat glaucoma in its early stages. By learning common glaucoma symptoms and risk factors, our Austin, TX patients can notice when the eyes may be in danger.

Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma causes a gradual increase in eye pressure as excess eye fluids, or aqueous humour, build up. While the eyes are normally able to drain excess fluids, patients who suffer from glaucoma have a blockage that prevents these fluids from draining properly. Initially, this blockage may not cause any noticeable symptoms. Glaucoma rarely produces any early warning signs. However, as these fluids and pressure continue to increase, a patient’s vision may begin to suffer. Below are some of the most common symptoms of glaucoma:

  • A loss of peripheral vision
  • Blind spots in the vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Halos or glare around sources of light
  • Eye pain
  • Severe headaches

These symptoms rarely develop right away, so if any of these signs are present, there is a good chance that glaucoma has already progressed to its advanced stages. It is important to report these symptoms to one of our eye doctors and schedule a comprehensive eye exam as soon as possible so that any necessary treatment can be provided before more serious damage occurs.

Glaucoma Risk Factors

Glaucoma can affect any individual. However, statistics show that there are some people who have an increased risk of developing this eye disease. Because glaucoma rarely has any early symptoms or warning signs, it is especially important to know if you are in one of these high-risk groups. Below are some of the most common risk factors of glaucoma:

  • Advanced age: Glaucoma is most common in patients aged 60 or older.
  • Genetics: Those with a family history of glaucoma are more likely to develop this eye disease themselves.
  • Race: Statistics show that Hispanics and African Americans are more likely to suffer from glaucoma.
  • Medical health: There are certain medical conditions that have been linked to an increased risk of glaucoma, including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
  • Eye conditions: Patients who have had an eye injury or a previous eye surgery are in the high-risk group for glaucoma.

Individuals who are at risk for glaucoma need to be vigilant about scheduling routine eye exams. These comprehensive examinations are the best way to diagnose glaucoma before the vision suffers.

Schedule an Appointment

Comprehensive eye exams allow our team of experienced eye doctors to monitor our patients’ eye health and provide any treatment that may be necessary to preserve eye health and functions. If you are looking for quality eye care, you will find what you are looking for at Broberg Eye Care. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about our comprehensive range of eye care services.