Wake Up to a Better Day with Our Eye Surgery

Not everyone is born with 20/20 vision. Some patients may be born with poor eye sight, many experience vision impairment as they age, and others may suffer from damage or disease that can lead to impaired vision. We offer a variety of eye surgery treatments at our Austin practice to help patients with a range of needs achieve the clear, dependable vision they deserve. If you are suffering with compromised vision, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.

surgical corneal transplants surgical treatments

Corneal Transplants

The cornea refracts light entering the eyes. In order for vision to be clear, the corneas must be clear and healthy. If the cornea has been damaged, scarred, or diseased, the light that enters the eye will be distorted, which is likely to cause glare and blurred vision. If this vision impairment cannot be corrected with glasses or contacts, or if the damage causes pain or discomfort, a corneal transplant may be the best option.

surgical pterygium surgical treatments

Pterygium Removal Surgery

A pterygium is a non-cancerous lesion that develops on the white of the eye. This condition, which is more common in patients who spend a lot of time outdoors, is usually harmless. In many cases, the pterygium is relatively small, and does not require treatment. However, in some patients, the pterygium grows into the cornea, or grows to the point that it begins to cover the pupil. In these cases, the pterygium will interfere with vision, and will likely require surgical removal.

surgical intraocular lenses surgical treatments

Intraocular Lenses

Intraocular lenses, or IOLs, are used to replace a clouded crystalline lens following cataract surgery. There are several types of intraocular lenses. At Broberg Eye Care we offer monofocal lenses, multifocal lenses, and toric lenses. The type of lens used will be determined by the vision needs of each patient.

Consider Non-Laser Vision Correction

If your vision is suffering because of damage or disease, it may be time to consider non-laser vision correction surgery.
Contact us today to learn more about these corrective procedures. We look forward to helping you see clearly again!

Ready to see clearly?

We can help you decide if Laser Corrective Surgery is right for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.