The team here at Broberg Eye Care takes great care when treating patients. This is why we attract so many patients from throughout the greater Austin area. They can count us to to perform a safe procedure and provide full information on the side effects of LASIK eye surgery. This combination of quality care and proper patient education goes a long way to ensuring optimal results.

With this in mind, we’d like to consider the nature of glare and halos after LASIK and what patients can do to reduce the severity and duration of both as they recover.

About Glare and Halos

Glare and halos refers to the strange glow and brightness of light that appears around objects when a person looks at said objects directly or when these objects appear in a person’s visual field. In general, issues with glare and halos tend to occur when looking at bright lights, shiny objects, or bright-colored objects.

Are glare and halos common after LASIK?


After LASIK surgery, glare and halos are among the most common side effects that people experience. If you should notice varying degrees of glare and hols after LASIK, rest assured that this is normal.

Why do these vision issues occur?

During LASIK surgery, a flap is created in the topmost part of the cornea, which is known as the epithelium. When this flap is created, is it lifted up in order for the overall corneal contour to be adjusted with the use of a safe surgical laser. The flap is set down to heal after the revision of the corneal shape is completed.

When this corneal flap is created and then set down, it will take a bit of time for your eyes to adjust to the new corneal shape. As part of the healing process, bright lights and bright-colored objects will appear to have halos or produce a kind of glare.

How long will the glare and halos last?

Glare and halos will generally last for at least two to three weeks, though can often last up to a month or longer. The glare and halo effect will typically become less pronounced after the first week of healing from LASIK.

If you should notice little to no decrease in halos or glare after you have undergone LASIK, be sure to discuss these matters with your eye doctor during one of the LASIK post-op follow-up visits that you will be asked to attend.

What can I do to reduce the severity and duration of these side effects?

The best thing that you can do to reduce the duration and severity of your glare and halos is to follow your post-operative instructions to the letter. This means abiding by all do’s and don’ts with regard to activity so that you can heal fully and your vision quality returns as soon as possible. It’s also important to attend all follow-up visits with your laser eye surgeon as scheduled.

Schedule a Consultation at Broberg Eye Care

For more information about LASIK and how it can help you have exceptional vision and great eyesight, be sure to contact our advanced laser eye and vision correction surgery center today. The entire team here at Broberg Eye Care looks forward to your visit and answering all of your questions about vision correction treatments.