Let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions we get about pinguecula treatment. If we don’t address your specific question here, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How Do You Pronounce Pinguecula?

Before we get into the details about pinguecula, let’s start with how to say it. It’s pronounced pin-GWEK-yoo-la. Hear pinguecula pronounced here. This word derives from the Latin word pinguis, which means fat. If you know what a pinguecula is, you probably see why that makes sense. If you don’t know yet, keep reading!

What is a Pinguecula on the Eye?

A pinguecula is a fairly common, small, benign growth that can develop on the eye. More specifically, this growth forms on the conjunctiva, or white tissue near the cornea. It is a yellowish patch or bump, and typically forms on the inner side of the eye, near the nose. Changes in your conjunctiva tissue cause a pinguecula. These changes have been linked to irritation caused by sun exposure, dust, and wind, and are more common as we age. These bumps or growths may contain a combination of protein, fat (hence the Latin root word), calcium, or a combination of the three.

When Should I be Worried About Pinguecula?

We may suggest removal of pinguecula if the growth:

  • becomes thickened and painful
  • affects how the eye blinks
  • alters the curvature of the cornea

Does Pinguecula Go Away?

If you suspect you have a pinguecula, you may be wondering if it is permanent. Unfortunately, pinguecula will not go away by itself. However, there are a few safe and effective ways to treat and get rid of pinguecula such as surgery or other treatments.

What Happens if Pinguecula Goes Untreated?

A pinguecula usually doesn’t cause any serious vision issues. However, you may want to receive treatment if it is causing discomfort or irritation.

Can Pinguecula Cause Blindness?

No, this eye condition does not cause blindness. Furthermore, it shouldn’t impair your vision at all. Pinguecula growths are typically small.

How Do You Treat a Pinguecula?

There are several treatment options for a pinguecula. Most cases of pinguecula are mild, in which an eye doctor will prescribe eye drops or an ointment to treat the growth. A pinguecula might require surgery if it is close to the cornea, causing discomfort, or affecting the aesthetic of your eye. Though it is a safe and effective treatment option, surgery for pinguecula is not common.

How Long Does Pinguecula Last?

Because it can’t heal on its own, a pinguecula will last until it is treated. Eye drops or ointment will resolve a pinguecula in two to four weeks, depending on the severity of the growth. If surgery is needed, full recovery will take up to a month.

Have Any Other Questions or Concerns about Pinguecula?

We have a whole page dedicated to pinguecula information. We go into detail about pinguecula symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Learn even more about pinguecula here.

If you suspect you have a pinguecula, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to confirm your diagnosis and get pinguecula treatment in Austin.