Eye Care

FAQs About Cataract Surgery

A cataract forms when the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, caused by the breakdown of proteins in your lens that make things look hazy, blurry, or less vibrant. Aging is the top cause of cataracts, but diabetes, medication, eye injuries, and family history can all play a part as well. [...]

By |2024-02-29T12:41:36-06:00March 15th, 2024|Cataracts, Eye Care, Eye Conditions|

What is a Posterior Capsulotomy?

Sounds like a mouthful, but a posterior capsulotomy is basically a kind of laser surgery many people might need after cataract surgery to help them see more clearly if their vision gets cloudy again, says the American Academy of Ophthalmology. During cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist will remove the cloudy [...]

By |2023-11-13T23:02:17-06:00January 19th, 2024|Cataracts, Eye Care, Eye Conditions|

The Best Contacts for Dry Eyes

According to the Dry Eye Directory, 5 to 10% of people in America suffer from dry eyes. That’s up to 50 million Americans, and you might be one of them. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what causes dry eyes, how to know if you have them, [...]

By |2023-08-16T09:15:50-05:00August 18th, 2023|Eye Care|

Macular Hole FAQs

Macular holes are a less common eye condition, only affecting approximately eight people out of every 100,000. If you know or suspect you have a macular hole in your eye, you likely have some questions about the condition and its treatment options. In today’s blog post, we’re answering some [...]

By |2023-05-24T14:11:25-05:00May 25th, 2023|Eye Care, Eye Conditions|

How to Treat a Scratched Cornea

Corneal scratches, also referred to as corneal abrasions, are among some of the most common eye injuries. While they are not typically serious, it is important to understand the symptoms and treatment of them so that you can know the proper actions to take should you suffer a scratched [...]

By |2023-02-27T13:51:55-06:00March 17th, 2023|Eye Care, Eye Conditions|

What is Vitreous Gel?

The eye is a complex organ. Like most of our organs, we tend not to think about our eyes until they are not working as they should or we experience some type of discomfort. But whether we think about it or not, the eye is made of several parts [...]

By |2022-12-14T10:40:36-06:00January 20th, 2023|Eye Care, Eye Conditions|